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News Releases 2017

Nov 23, 2017- Successful collaboration between leading players in Canada’s nuclear industry assures a stable and reliable supply of Cobalt-60 for use in healthcare and other applications that benefit millions of people around the world.
For the past six decades, High Specific Activity (HSA) Cobalt-60, used in the treatment of cancer, has been produced in Canada…

BALTIMORE, MD and BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, OH – October 3, 2017—Noxilizer, Inc. and Sterigenics International LLC announce the signing of a global agreement that will make Sterigenics the exclusive worldwide provider of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) contract sterilization services, as well as feasibility and research studies, to the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device manufacturing industries.

COLUMBIA, MO, March 29, 2017—The University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR®) and its partners Nordion, a business of Sterigenics International, and General Atomics (GA), announce that MURR’s License Amendment Request (LAR) has been submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This marks a critical step towards implementing domestic U.S. production of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99). Once operational, production from this facility will be capable of supporting nearly half of U.S. demand for Mo-99, which currently must be imported from outside North America.