Nordion has designed many types of radiation sources and these have been manufactured and supplied in large numbers to customers worldwide, often with a Recommended Working Life of 20 years or even 30 years. Nordion is able to design new sources to meet specific customer requirements and applications. The service can include design, testing and regulatory approval through to set up of manufacturing arrangements including process and quality systems. Nordion can also arrange for your radiation sources to be assembled or loaded into holders of your design.
Nordion has been immersed in radiation source technology since its inception and has developed considerable expertise in areas such as source and container thermodynamics; metallurgy effects and the study of source working environments; and radiation physics and dosimetry. Additionally, Nordion has undertaken a number of complex engineering projects such as: the design of high-volume commercial scale irradiators; the design of one-off irradiators for specialist applications; the recovery of sources that have become damaged in operation; and the manufacture of specialist equipment and tools to enable the non-routine handling and transportation of radiation sources. This technical and engineering expertise means that Nordion is very well placed to support and enable customers to meet their varying complex needs.
Nordion has consistently demonstrated the highest level of quality and regulatory compliance throughout its operation. Systems and procedures have been developed that result in high integrity products being safely supplied to its customers. These systems and procedures are available to customers that would like Nordion to manage radiation source related projects such as performing risk assessments, developing source handling operations or obtaining Special Form Approval of a source design.
Nordion has many years of experience working at irradiation facilities of different designs including both wet and dry storage commercial scale irradiators and research and panoramic type irradiators. Routine services such as: installation of sources; performing load planning calculations; analysis of irradiator pool water and dose surveys can all be performed using equipment and expertise within the company. Non-routine services include: in-situ underwater source inspection using Nordion specialist camera equipment; emergency response arrangements; and services such as provision of new source racks and modules are also offered.